BIRTHFIT is a worldwide movement

of women and men, coaches and athletes, practitioners, chiropractors, teachers, movers and shakers who are changing the game in the world of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

BIRTHFIT is a movement. It’s about expecting and postpartum moms taking charge of their bodies and their decisions, and supporting one another’s journeys—together and apart.

BIRTHFIT is an approach to birth. We challenge the status quo and ask the questions no one else asks. We read, research, experiment & consolidate all the common sense, time-honored wisdom & recent studies we can find and present that information to you through various education models. Our pillars are fitness, nutrition, chiropractic & mindset. We unconditionally support YOU—the birth mom & birth partner—to make the best decision for you and Baby.

BIRTHFIT is a state of readiness. Childbirth is perhaps the most physical, mental & spiritual experience of a woman’s life. We want you to be ready in body, mind & spirit for the experience of birth and the lifelong journey that follows.

BIRTHFIT is your support team. We are a team of practitioners, educators, chiropractors, coaches, nutritionists, fellow mamas, men & women who are involved in our local communities and we are all rooting for YOU.

The four pillars of BIRTHFIT COBB COUNTY are: 


To cultivate a relationship with food that is rich in color and nutrients from a wide variety of animals, fish, plants, fruits, fats, and starchy tubers, while nourishing the body through the different rhythms of life and the female cycle.


To functionally train throughout the Motherhood Transition in all planes of motion to develop competencies and physical skills as well as enhance the main metabolic pathways.



To create space between a stimulus and a response, to embrace a growth perspective, and create action around values in order to make decisions from a place of love rather than fear.


To be structurally balanced and free of subluxation, so that the nervous system can function ideally and communicate with all systems of the body.

Start now

You can begin your journey of being #birthfit right now! Listen to the podcast, subscribe to the blog, and explore online training programs on the BIRTHFIT mainsite